The phoenix pattern at the side of beu of drum of Duke Chu has a character of cocking up tail, which is different with the pattern with fin tail on Yong bell at the same time. 楚公■钟侧鼓的鸟纹均为翘尾,与同时期甬钟上流行的垂尾鸟纹不同。
In printing subsystem, a unit of the printer font memory. A character pattern of a32 × 32 dot character box can be stored in one compartment. 在印刷子系统中,印刷机字库存储器中的一个单元,一个32×2点字符刚好占用一个字格。
New York is laid out on a grid pattern. Each of them, with a different character, is vividly described and presented to the readers in a lively manner. 纽约展示在网格图上.个个性格炯异,逼真的展示了他们的活灵活现的个性。
Study on General Pattern of Attacking for Goal Character of Each Team in the Final in 2008 Europe Cup 2008年欧洲杯足球赛决赛阶段各队进攻进球特征研究
It can be indicated by emulate study that new method can less rely on the data and parameters in the aggregate of character pattern, improve the performance of system and be convenient for designing the aggregate of character pattern. 仿真研究表明,新方法由于增加了自适应机构,降低了对特征模式集中的经验数据和控制参数的依赖程度,提高了系统的性能,且便于特征模式集的设计。
By diagnosing the management pattern and measure of civil aviation flight character surveillance, a new way of civil aviation disasters forewarning management is stated through flight character surveillance, and the forecast methods of the civil aviation flight character surveillance are discussed. 通过调查分析中国民航飞行品质监控的管理模式和管理措施,提出了利用民航飞行品质监控进行民航灾害预警管理的新思路,探讨了民航飞行品质监控的预测方法。
The study of Chinese character recognition is regarded as not only a important theory meaning and practice value direction in pattern recognition field, but a final goal to the research of character recognition. 汉字识别的研究工作一直被看作是具有重要理论意义和实践价值的模式识别问题,并被视为字符识别研究的最终目的。
Under the different historic condition and cultural background, the textile pattern of China and the west each has its character. 在不同的历史条件和文化背景中,中西方纺织品纹样具有各自的特点。
In this, structural analytical method and matching pattern method of chinese character's recognition are penetrably disserted. 文中对汉字识别的结构分析法和模板配比法作了较深入的阐述。
His theory of harmonious ideological had played a very important influence no matter in the past era or nowadays, that affect people's self consciousness. For thousands of years, control the survival pattern of Xanadu Nation and form the peculiar national psychology national character. 他的和谐思想无论在当时还是对后世都产生了极其重要的影响,数千年来始终影响着我国人民的自我意识,支配着华夏民族的生存样式,构成了中华民族特有的民族心理和民族性格。
Application in PD Signal Pattern Recognition of Power Transformer of Neural Network Based on The Character of PD Pulse of Time Field 基于时域脉冲特征量的神经网络方法在变压器局放模式识别中的应用
A Fuzzy Pattern Recognition Method of Finite Character Set 有限字符集的模糊识别方法
The paper based on the analysis of the former pattern of network and its basic character, and integrate the organizational trait of construction project human resource management, and provide the network structure frame, and compare and analyse the organization structure. 在分析既有组织模式的基础上,以网络组织含义和基本特征为切入点,结合建设项目人力资源管理的组织特点,提出网络组织结构框架,并对组织结构进行比较分析。
Thus, the essence of the global plural cultural pattern is the organic unify of the common and individual character among cultural units. 因此,全球多元文化格局在本质上是各文化单元共性与个性的有机统一。
This paper takes stroke segment as pattern primitive to represent the structure information of Chinese character. On the basis, a new algorithm to recognize handwritten Chinese character is proposed. 以笔划为基元结合笔划的顺序来表示汉字的结构信息,在此基础上提出了一种手写汉字识别的匹配算法。
Especially, much analysis of Zi Jian's character pattern are similar to original pattern and original connotation of Chinese character extremely, which is extraordinary. 尤其是不同于《说文》的字形分析,有的完全符合或非常接近汉字的本形本义,这是非常了不起的。
At the same time, the construction activity is extended to social culture so as to find out the correlation between the spatial pattern of Chinese traditional architecture and national character. 同时,将物质建设活动延伸到社会文化层面,试图找出中国传统建筑空间模式与民族性格的内在关联。
District community culture is of independent character with vivid individuality and distinctive feature and one part of the social culture system and culture pattern, and influences one another, hence, it is of open character. 社区文化具有个性,它生动活泼,各具特色,也是社会文化系统和文化类型的一部分,且相互影响,因此又具有共性。
A preliminary study of large_scale metallogenesis and large clusters of mineral deposits regional pattern of element composition and fluid character in medium_low temperature metallogenic province of South China 华南中、低温成矿带元素组合和流体性质的区域分布规律&兼论华南燕山期热液矿床的巨型分带现象和大规模成矿作用
Through analyzing flow pattern of external flow-field in detail, the relationship among flow theory, flow character and aerodynamic drag force around the mini passenger car is investigated and the reason why the drag force is produced is clear. 通过对外流场的流态详细分析研究,探讨了微型客车外部流场的流动机理、流动特征和气动阻力特性之间的关系,明确了气动阻力产生的原因。
In a certain sense, completely broke the reason to relatively single rigid manners of pattern, highlighted the new era of individual character style. 在一定意义上讲,完全突破了故往相对单一僵化的工笔格局,凸显了新时代的个性风貌。
Emergence of mass culture, fundamentally changed the pattern of traditional Chinese culture, positive impact on the shaping of Chinese national character, aesthetic changes and social development of the concept of face. 大众文化的出现,从根本上改变了中国传统文化的格局,积极影响着中国国民性格的塑造、审美观念的变迁和社会的发展面貌。
War novels in the past, we often see is a traitor to foil the image, pattern of the character creation looked very thin, the lack of traitors and thought the image of in-depth reflection. 在以往的抗战题材小说中,我们看到的汉奸形象往往都是一种陪衬,模式化的性格塑造显得很单薄,缺乏对汉奸形象的深入反省与思考。
There are three sections: the first section illustrates his pessimistic emotional pattern, and the following two sections explain its origin from the perspective of national character. 第一节阐述鲁迅悲观的情感格调,第二节和第三节主要从国民性的角度解释了产生这种情感的原因。
Pattern recognition is an important research in the field of artificial intelligence, and character recognition is an active area of pattern recognition. 模式识别是人工智能领域研究的重要内容,而字符识别是模式识别的典型代表。
In teaching foreigners Chinese characters, we found that almost every foreign student feels Chinese characters is Extremely difficult to learn. Especially the Chinese character pattern: the pen type, order of strokes and the character structure. 在对外汉字教学中,我们发现,外国留学生几乎一致觉得汉字难学,确切地说,主要是觉得汉字字形难学:笔形、笔顺、结构多而复杂。
Based on the idea of the KMP algorithm of character string for fast pattern matching, the algorithm converts the block matching in the video image into the pattern matching of a character string. 算法基于快速模式匹配KMP算法思想,将图像中的块匹配转化为一个一维的串模式匹配。
This research primary coverage includes: 1. Select special landscape pattern index, do some research on the analysis of landscape plaque character, landscape heterogeneity, and so on, in order to analysis duan landscape pattern. 主要研究内容包括:1选取了特定的景观格局指数,从景观斑块特征、景观异质性、景观要素空间关系以及景观要素空间分布与环境等方面对都安县进行了土地利用格局分析。
Ethnic minorities have a distinctive color pattern of personality and character, from the ethnic minorities to seek the most basic color pattern, the relationship between its color scheme applied to the mathematical graphics to create a visual impact of the composition. 少数民族图案的色彩有着鲜明的个性和特色,从少数民族图案中寻求最基本的色系,将其色彩配置关系运用到傅里叶级数图形中,创造出具有视觉冲击力的构图。